Your opinion on SCS forum.

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Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by roo7 » 07 Sep 2012 13:46

I see some members don't seems to be very pleased with how certain rules and restrictions are in place.

Here's a good chance for you to feedback in a very simple manner and perhaps understand the difficulty in running a forum. I also like to remind everybody that the forum is not fueled by advertisements but time and effort by me and the fellow moderators.

Ok, now the common objectives of setting up a forum are typically creating a online platform for like minded individuals like us to share information, discuss about our hobby etc.

Now let me ask the forum for your opinion now.
- What will you do to attract more members ?
- What will you do to retain members ?
- What will you do to make SCS fun ?
- What will you do to make SCS the default watch forum to go to ?

Also taking into consideration, how can we achieve this goal: "We hope to be the main go-to forum for Seiko and other watch lovers in Singapore."

Feel free to share your ideas and opinions and also reflect why I impose certain rules or restriction.
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Ed.YEO » 07 Sep 2012 14:01

Okay... lets get serious here...

Generally, i hv nothing against this pool of folks here. Just that we can soften the mood of the atmosphere here sometimes, by going a little off... the orthodox track.

First of all, let me clarify, i'm not from HWZ forum, i'm not a member there all the while. So whatever i see the discussions there, besides the word "elites" keep popping in my mind, "snob" is another word that always appears in my thoughts. Comparing the various local forums, SG-ROC, SWX, HWZ or even some other which i doesn't know, SCS is the one where i feel more like living in a old HDB estate where neighbors can call up one another for tea/coffee session or even games of MahJong.
Why? That's because most of the members here starts from budget grails till they can afford the "elites" and they still goes back to the budget grails again. Snobbishness is something that's barely seen here than other forums.
Another reason for me that felt the warmth here, is the frequent "suaning" aka "mocking" at one another, which yet does not ends up in serious fights that the 2 parties or more quitting this forum at the same time, or getting membership terminated when the heat gets more hotter. The most was the threads gets deleted off, when situation gets out of control.

So without further ado...

What will you do to attract more members ?
We can't advertise, we can't tout... we can only influence.

And influence, local style Singlish or formal English should be the 2 medium of language where we can have wider approach since majority of the members are Ch5 goers. Had we forget about those who doesn't speak english? Hence i would suggest to set up another section where Mandarin are encouraged, where we can get in more members from the non-english speaking locals as well as new immigrants(from HK, TW, MY or CN). Certainly, some members or even the moderators might disagree to this idea as majority of the members here are made up of Chinese, Malays, Indians and some caucasians as well as foreigners where in some occasion, doubts and suspicion on the Mandarin discussion threads may spark misunderstandings.
However, i would like to point out, although we're a local forum, not comparable to WUS in certain way... If WUS can get a certain response from their German, Dutch or French only language section, i don't see why a Mandarin section cannot be created.
Or... we can still stay status quo, where Chinese texts should be allowed to be posted, but when upon request, translation can be made with certain level of acceptance.
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Specific Interest.
At the current moment, from the categorization of the watches origin, we see that the Japanese makes have it's own section while those from other origins are squeezed together in another. Okay... in a certain way, i agree that the Japanese makes can be classified together as the population of the Japanese brands are more in local playground. However, the SWISS makes are not less either. So i propose, instead of having all discussion threads on Chinese makes, Russian makes as well as SWISS makes jumble all together, re-categorize the forum to reflect the actual market or local interest in reality as:-

EUROPEAN makes in a section that cover discussion topics on watches and technical topics that surrounds on makes from Germany, France, Switzerland or all other European countries, inclusive of England.
RUSSIAN and Chinese makes in a section that covers discussion topics on watches and technical topics that surrounds on timepieces from
Russia or Mainland China.

No specific brand section should be created. Which shall minimize the potential growth of snobbishness among certain collectors.
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Name of the forum, theme of the forum, atmosphere of the forum.
When a new WIS google for local forum, most likely, he/she will get 2 of the most commonly mentioned forums here, "Singapore Watch X-change" as well as "Singapore Horology Club"-- which ends up as Rolex Club of SG after clicking.
Personally, i feel that we're losing out to these 2 as SCS will give others an impression that this forums' discussions will always falls on majority... Jap makes. So i propose, perhaps we could consider changing the name of this forum to S.T.I.G, not the driver from Top Gear program, but when expanded, the Singapore Timepiece Interest Group. This name is not cocky, not snobbish, not over pride... but rather a like a kampung that's populated with folks with hidden treasures. And in this Kampung, little words used that goes a little off track, be it slightly offensive(no racial or religion remarks) or with sexual references, should not stiffen or dampen the mood of this forum. We're all adults, we should be able to take certain levels of joking and mocking without any pisses or agitated easily. Certainly, i like the idea of making this a family oriented forum, but we're living in the world/society where some offensive remarks, in a humor way are often come in touch, either from TVs, Movies, Magazines, or even tabloids.
The atmosphere of this forum should be light hearted. Not stiff and dull and moody in Military camps as well as Government offices.
===== ===== =====
What will you do to retain members ?
SCS is a non profit, non advertisement sponsored playground for folks to share their common interest, knowledge as well as opportunities(lobangs)in the watch hobby. Hence, there will not be gifts, perks or rewards of ice creams or candies in this play ground. What we see is what we get, the sectioned forums of discussion topics and threads.
People come, people goes. Kids come to this playground, kids goes. How fun the game can be, depends on the challenge, as well as the atmosphere of the playground. If one kid/adult cannot take a certain level of other kid/member poking fun at one another, one of the kid will leave this playground for good. This will be the challenge. How one kid can control himself/herself poking fun with unknown offense, also pisses another kid off. Hence they should be able to discipline themselves before poking fun at one another. Such as, finding out the facts before using that particular subject to touch on others, which may eventually ends up in fierce fights. When the atmosphere of the playground turns bad, no kids will wanna play there.

So... i propose to all... lets keep this forum light hearted, low profile and simple. Arrogance and Snobbishness should not be encouraged.
===== ===== =====
What will you do to make SCS fun ?
We're like players playing different games in a sport arena. We will eventually need referees to prevent fights breaking out in such a stiff, moody atmosphere.
But we still need some light hearted moments. So... moderators, please exercise your rights in flashing the cards of warnings or alerts depending on how the atmosphere situation develops.
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What will you do to make SCS the default watch forum to go to ?
Whoa... this is the most difficult one! Let me think...
Last edited by Ed.YEO on 07 Sep 2012 23:55, edited 1 time in total.
yan sang yew guo dak fai lok, zao yew dui yan hor see zou luo jik xing geh fan sik yu goon cha, ng hai zou yoo chun mong mok dek pan duun... yoo guo yi liong din doh mou geh wa, yat gor yan geh yat sang zao guo dak gey pok gai loh...
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by roo7 » 07 Sep 2012 14:12

On track, off track, on topic, off topic, again, as long it's within the rules and restriction, I'm always ok.

We can always have fun while keeping the rules in mind.
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by oOsiMm » 07 Sep 2012 17:05

Firstly,I am thankful of the creation of this local forum, seiko club sg,made by collectors for collectors with a common hobby. We can all
learn so much both within watch context knowledges and also many others.

Rules are made to manage and regulate such public forum,so that we can all stay trouble free,both within ourselves and with the public. And the fact that this forum is one with the least rigid rules and with flexible moderating team. Each forum has its own set of ppl running the show based on its own set of rules and users just follow them.

And best part,roo and his team is open for feedback and transparent about how scs is begin manage.

Ask yourselves this,how many watch forums(local or overseas) do you post and contribute regularly, not to talk rot only,but truly contribute to wis knoknowledges? And also how many of us have past problems with the way other forums are begin managed? Say issues with postings,warning and feedbacks from their mods?

In fact,back then I had issues during the yrs with mods from overseas wus,scwf and even local sgroc. I sounded out my feedback as I wasn't happy with some issues. It made me even unhappy and slowly I realised that there are my personal opinions vs forum rules. And now I will take the route that will made everyone happier. Not a conformist
to everything ,its just that I have learnt something look at things from bigger picture. Best part,I am offending no one and can still contribute regularly in those forums.

Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by oOsiMm » 07 Sep 2012 17:23

To make the mood less stiff esp a long day at work can still be done easily. Without the extend of making too sleazy,explicit,ra jokes. That includes the using of english as main language. In fact,what I just mentioned shouldn't be even regarded as rules.

It should be the way to behave in a open forum,or in public. Of course can always crack a joke once a while but must knw when to stop. Apparently,this isn't the case that's why its begin brought up.

I actually never expect roo to start this thread and that shows scs mods do care....

I am sure this forum's atmosphere is already very 'light hearted',bros can always playfully mock at one another without getting angry + rules are flexible.. indeed keeping it simple is a good way..

SCS has never been stiff and dull and moody in Military camps as well as Government offices.
It has never been like that and you will feel it only if you think that way. Everyday can see ppl making jokes in all threads and its really fun to read.

Pls re-read your old threads on what you have typed in the past,thats also when hints were dropped regard posts in threads. things dont happen suddenly.

Arrogance and Snobbishness should not be encouraged. I agree but also,
Arrogrance not to follow proper behaviour and rules(indirectly giving due respect to ppl in charge) should also not be encouraged.

now its pretty clear what are the do and donts ,though leeway will be given as accordingly.. if some members dont get it,I really have no methods already.

Note: I'm not a mod... But I dont feel good looking at good guys getting taken advantage of(when this space/service is free of charge).

(no offense intended,caps lock so that hint is more clearer)
Last edited by oOsiMm on 08 Sep 2012 00:50, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by eguy899 » 07 Sep 2012 18:04

no idea why this thread was started but my 2 cents (cum some "feedback")...

1. this forum was started when we were "forced out" of HWZ's EDMW forum due to the constant termination of the SEIKO thread.
2. we were a bunch of like-minded SEIKO enthusiasts sharing info & tips on our beloved hobby.
3. glad that Roo took the time & effort to set this up. for this he will have my eternal gratitude.
4. I also noticed that I'm here lessser these days even though my love for watches, especially SEIKO ones, has not waned. guess there are too many "non-relevant" threads.
5. I also noticed that many of the "lao jiaos" from EDMW days have disappeared as well.
6. I may not be here as often but will still drop in as and when I can, albeit fleetingly.

Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by silverguy » 07 Sep 2012 18:09

Since I joined the forum when it was announced by ceo at hwz, it was a fun and enjoyable experience. As a newbie like me, I enjoyed the freedom of speech and discreet conversations on watches in the beginning. Till, everything changes just a blinking of my eyes. My one cent thought is to have a healthy and family like environment, everyone do their part to keep the forum alive. We are all adults, and need not being told what is good and bad. Have a responsible mindset, things will work out well.

Again, just a one cent thought.

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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by LEXONG » 07 Sep 2012 18:18

eguy899 wrote:no idea why this thread was started but my 2 cents (cum some "feedback")...

1. this forum was started when we were "forced out" of HWZ's EDMW forum due to the constant termination of the SEIKO thread.
2. we were a bunch of like-minded SEIKO enthusiasts sharing info & tips on our beloved hobby.
3. glad that Roo took the time & effort to set this up. for this he will have my eternal gratitude.
4. I also noticed that I'm here lessser these days even though my love for watches, especially SEIKO ones, has not waned. guess there are too many "non-relevant" threads.
5. I also noticed that many of the "lao jiaos" from EDMW days have disappeared as well.
6. I may not be here as often but will still drop in as and when I can, albeit fleetingly.
I do agree with eguy on point 5 :

5. I also noticed that many of the "lao jiaos" from EDMW days have disappeared as well.
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by lunarin79 » 07 Sep 2012 19:49

My serious opinion is, we are fortunate to have a seiko forum by ourselves and not by sharing with other main forums back then.

Its true most of the laojiaos frm the HWZ era does not post much as before but that does not make any major difference, everyone have their own committments but there are still some knowledgable bros here who gave sound advice and suggestion.

The lifestyle back in HWZ and in SC is totally different.

SC is another level where the mature boys tread.

Initially it consists of only local members but as you guys noticed, there are new friends from international countries who had joined into SC.

No doubt its a local forum and trying to make this forum unique on its own with our Singlish, Aiken ABC language etc etc....however we have to take into consideration about other members who does not catch what we are talking about, right ;)

When a person gets too comfortable, sometimes he/she flouts the rule without realising it.

The committees are fine with anything here but when the mod starts to repeat himself on a certain subject, maybe its time to ponder on it.
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Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by ivan » 07 Sep 2012 20:28

Replying to Roo's post.

First and foremost, thank you for the hardwork on this forum. You deserve a pat on your back.

Scs is the forum to go to in Singapore. This I think holds it's water.

I have contributed to many forums, and by far, this is the coziest and fun forum to be in. And I made quite a number of friends. That's really amazing. The nature of this forum is really like kopitiam style compare to fine dining style (pls don't get me wrong if I get the wrong comparison). Here, at this forum make you feel at home easily.

Come on guys, honestly, when you join other forums like Xxx, xxxx ...etc do u feel that u can fit in completely? They also cracked silly jokes which I also can't quite comprehend. In that respect, I think I love hanging out in scs more.

I understand sometimes while we r poking fun at each other, the line is crossed. But that's really ok.

A gentle reminder or warning will get us on our feet again. No worries really and a smile and we move on. Yes, I m guilty of crossing the lines sometimes.... Or many times.

No doubt there should be a certain set of rules in a forum else, all things go. In a bigger picture, I think as this community grows, the mod prob faced certain things not addressed from the beginning.

Let's help him, I say.
But please don't remove the nature of this homely feel.

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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by roo7 » 07 Sep 2012 23:10

I never wanted to remove the homely feel, but to reach our goal, we cannot be selfish and make the homely feel extended to say Chinese only.

I wanted the forum to be as homely as possible, as free and fun as possible. The forum started with 0 rules, now we fine-tune along the way but still, I don't want to take away the uniqueness.

I don't need the forum to be so proper like fine dining, since we use dining as a metaphor, I don't mind us being the kopitiam style, zi char style, food court style, we are definitely not French dining, neat and proper.

At least maybe we aim to be the fast food style, cater for the general public, not specialised to just chinese food, or local food, just food that everybody enjoy, locals or non-locals etc.

You should get the idea, I don't go around banning or suspending or giving yellow cards if it goes out of line right.

Just practise self moderation, self censorship and we will do just fine.
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Ed.YEO » 07 Sep 2012 23:58

okie... my replies is up! :mrgreen:
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by roo7 » 08 Sep 2012 00:27

Ed.YEO wrote:okie... my replies is up! :mrgreen:
As usual, you always have a side that contributes and encourage discussion...

I always agree that we have to be light hearted but I don't agree in exercising our rights to flash cards, in fact I rather the members self moderate themselves so we don't even get any misunderstanding in the first place. Members might assume we are being snobbish by telling them what to do and not to do.
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by roo7 » 08 Sep 2012 00:32

LEXONG wrote:
eguy899 wrote:no idea why this thread was started but my 2 cents (cum some "feedback")...

1. this forum was started when we were "forced out" of HWZ's EDMW forum due to the constant termination of the SEIKO thread.
2. we were a bunch of like-minded SEIKO enthusiasts sharing info & tips on our beloved hobby.
3. glad that Roo took the time & effort to set this up. for this he will have my eternal gratitude.
4. I also noticed that I'm here lessser these days even though my love for watches, especially SEIKO ones, has not waned. guess there are too many "non-relevant" threads.
5. I also noticed that many of the "lao jiaos" from EDMW days have disappeared as well.
6. I may not be here as often but will still drop in as and when I can, albeit fleetingly.
I do agree with eguy on point 5 :

5. I also noticed that many of the "lao jiaos" from EDMW days have disappeared as well.
So the question is probably why ? Are they still around lurking ? Or just totally gone...

I too wonder what happen, so we can seek to improve readership as well as contribution...
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Ed.YEO » 08 Sep 2012 00:51

Pls re-read your old threads on what you have typed in the past,thats also when hints were dropped regard posts in threads. things dont happen suddenly.
...(no offense intended,caps lock so that hint is more clearer)
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: heee... tio pawn...

No. no.. no... I understand that this is not my own forum, hence i can't make the big shot call. That's why i "propose", and proposals can always be rejected off. Hmmm... i wonder had you notice those little words... hee ... :mrgreen: :?: :mrgreen:
yan sang yew guo dak fai lok, zao yew dui yan hor see zou luo jik xing geh fan sik yu goon cha, ng hai zou yoo chun mong mok dek pan duun... yoo guo yi liong din doh mou geh wa, yat gor yan geh yat sang zao guo dak gey pok gai loh...
Orient Emperor

Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Orient Emperor » 08 Sep 2012 06:05

Being from New Zealand, I would love to see a 'help' file with common Singlish phrases to help with my interpretation of some of the discussions..

This place seems to me to have a nice 'community' feeling about it.. well done..

Can't make it to any of your coffees, but if any of you over in New Zealand to visit, please see if chance to meet..
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Ed.YEO » 08 Sep 2012 13:41

Orient Emperor wrote:...This place seems to me to have a nice 'community' feeling about it.. well done...
It's nice to have our fellow foreign member here giving his 2cts here that may help others, including himself in blending in.
It's more nicer and encouraging to see that you're feeling the warmth here in this community! At first, i thought you might get turn off when localized english were used too often in this forum... well... :mrgreen:
yan sang yew guo dak fai lok, zao yew dui yan hor see zou luo jik xing geh fan sik yu goon cha, ng hai zou yoo chun mong mok dek pan duun... yoo guo yi liong din doh mou geh wa, yat gor yan geh yat sang zao guo dak gey pok gai loh...
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Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Ed.YEO » 08 Sep 2012 16:27

Within 24hrs we get only a few replies here from the big stars... we still need some more.

I think brudder Roo requests here is quite simple, asking for suggestions on how to make this forum more fun to retain members without losing them as well as how to get more attentions from new WIS locally as well as abroad.

So... more inputs please, from fellow old birdies. Don't consider this thread as a rant or complain box...!
yan sang yew guo dak fai lok, zao yew dui yan hor see zou luo jik xing geh fan sik yu goon cha, ng hai zou yoo chun mong mok dek pan duun... yoo guo yi liong din doh mou geh wa, yat gor yan geh yat sang zao guo dak gey pok gai loh...

Re: Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by Byfrost » 08 Sep 2012 23:43

In my opinion?

This is a casual forum, a good place to chill in. My post count might be little, but I lurk around here and there. Rules are all right in my opinion. But, being a member of a couple of forums, to me, I don't really read the rules of all forums as I believe in forum etiquette is like common sense. Treat people how you expect people to treat you.
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Your opinion on SCS forum.

Post by hwt » 09 Sep 2012 12:37

I found this forum when I was searching for info prior to purchase my first seiko. So I would think that reviews and info pertaining to watches would serve as a good start to attract more visitors.

I feel that a forum typically sustain itself. The more knowledgeable members it has, the more others will visit to seek out the knowledge of these people. This also build up the forum into a knowledge base that increases the chance it turns up in a search.

Personally, I would not worry about retaining members. People's interests and priorities in life changes over time. The objective of this forum is about watch and not about the forum itself. So long as their interest in watch is there and this forum remains a knowledge base of info about watch, people should still visit.

Typically, the chit-chat forum has the highest post counts. I suppose keeping the topics and rules more relaxed in these forums should be acceptable as participants should be more locals. After all, this is not WUS. There's a 'report post to moderator' function right? If people feel offended they could always flag the post to the moderator for action.
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